Manzanillo Anchorage, Dominican Republic
We would like your comments - If you would like to add to this report or submit your own report on a marina, harbour or anchorage not covered in this guide so far please visit our contact page (see button above) for our email address. Digital photos are also very welcome. General - Manzanillo Anchorage is located on the N coat of the island of the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea. It is a large sheltered bay and has a commercial port and jetty in the southern corner. The town of Manzanillo provides a useful stop for provisioning and other services. Moorings - None. Formalities - This is a port of entry and all the officials are in the town. Click here for information on clearing in and out of the Dominican Republic. Water - Not known. Security - Not known. Internet Access - Not known. Approach and Entrance - The abandoned Canadian ferry is an unmissable landmark for this anchorage. Give it a wide berth and anchor behind the point. The bottom can be weedy here. In the SW part of the bay, southeast of the commercial pier, is a quiet saltwater lagoon where you can anchor in about 3m. Position - 19° 42.26' N 71 44°.35' W Charts, Pilots & Cruising Guides - See the following link for Dominican Republic Cruising Guides & Charts Tides; Mean time differences - HW: minutes ± ; LW: minutes ± Heights in metres -
Depths at MLW - Protection/Shelter - Not Known Chandlers or Ships' Store - Not Known. Shop Online for the Best Deals Marine Electronics - The Top Deals are on the Web! Scuba Diving Gear - Get Offers Here Fishing Tackle - Not Known Great Deals Online Shopping and Provisions - Reasonable in the town. Bank or ATM - Not known Restaurants & Eating Out - Not Known Transport -
Bikes - Not known Local Bus Service - Not known Car Rental - Great Deals Here!!! Water Taxi - Not known Ferry Service -Not known Airport(s) - Not known Click here to Book Your Flights Local Area - Sporting & Recreational Facilities - Not known Sightseeing - Not known Museums and Cultural Attractions - Not known Galleries - Not known Conservation Projects - Not known Special Events - Not known Children's Stuff - Not known Other - Not known Other reports on harbors, marinas and anchorages can be viewed in our marina guide We would like your comments - If you would like to add to this report or submit your own report on a marina, harbour or anchorage not covered in this guide so far please visit our contact page (see button above) for our email address. Digital photos are also very welcome. |